All Haudenosaunee Nations Represented, “Best in Show” Awarded to Jamie Jacobs
By Amy Blum | Photos provided
Victor, NY—The winners have been announced and more than $14,000 in cash prizes have been awarded in Ganondagan’s competitive virtual juried Hodinöhsö:ni’ Art Show, online at through December 31, 2020. The fourth annual show—the first to go virtual—features works by 43 artists representing all six Haudenosaunee Nations from across the United States and Canada, and all works are available for purchase.
Winners are as follows:
Double-sided Seneca Handbag by Jamie Jacobs (Tonawanda Seneca, Turtle Clan) featuring extensive, vibrant quillwork. In his artist statement, Jacobs says he bases a lot of his designs on historical designs done on actual pieces. “I tried to do my best to cover all three areas: historical, my own contemporary, and then to my ancestors.”
• First Place: Never Lose Your Fire by Ronnileigh Goeman (Onondaga, Eel Clan) and Stonehorse Goeman (Tonawanda Seneca, Hawk Clan)
• Second Place: Round Basket Purse by Penelope S. Minner (Seneca, Turtle Clan)
• Third Place: There’s a Fire in My Belly by Carrie Hill (Mohawk)
• Honorable Mention: Healing Dancer by Rae Skenandore (Oneida, Turtle Clan)
•First Place: Supporting Each Other and Creation by Leith Mahkewa (Oneida of the Thames, Wolf Clan)
• Second Place: Yoke with Matching Cuffs by Brenda Garrow (Mohawk, Turtle Clan)
• Third Place: Sasquatch Medallion by Dallin Maybee (Seneca/Northern Arapaho)
• Honorable Mention: Elk Medicine by Dallin Maybe (Seneca/Northern Arapaho)
• First Place: Haudenosaunee Man by Brandon Lazore (Onondaga/Mohawk, Snipe Clan)
• Second Place: The Legend of Why We Have Mosquitoes by Bruce Boots (Mohawk/Bear Clan)
• Third Place: Our Grandfather by Barry Powless (Onondaga, Eel Clan)
• Honorable Mention: Indigenous Motherhood by Jessica Sargent (Mohawk, Snipe Clan)
• First Place: Rez Dog 2020 by Peter B. Jones (Onondaga, Beaver Clan)
• Second Place: Onëö:jih- Dark Corn by Natasha Smoke Santiago (Mohawk, Turtle Clan)
• Third Place: Lapis/Turquoise Sterling Bracelet Ring by Noel C. Benson (Oneida, Wolf Clan)
• Honorable Mention: Leader of the Berries by Tania Clute (Mohawk, Bear Clan)
• First Place: Arts and Crafts Rattle by Hayden Haynes (Seneca, Deer Clan)
• Second Place: Protect, Respect and Honor Our Precious Ones by Ian Clute (Mohawk, Bear Clan)
• Third Place: Dancing Drum by William Crouse (Seneca, Hawk Clan)
• Honorable Mention: Humming Bird Hair Comb by David Farnham (Onondaga, Beaver Clan)
This show is made possible by the generous support of Thaw Charitable Trust.