I hope you are all having a very good holiday season. Our staff has put in some long hours, and the final transition of administrative tasks has been completed. Of course, we are always ready to help in any way we can, should we be called upon.

As I mentioned in my previous message, the Council and Executives have been meeting regularly to coordinate all final expenditures for the funds received under the CARES Act. I hope the portion of those funds, which have been distributed to our membership to defray costs for masks, hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies have helped out, as they were intended. I also hope you will be pleased to know there were some remaining funds, which the Council has decided to include in the final of those three payments. The final payment will include a small additional sum, increasing December’s payment to three hundred dollars.
I would like to take this time to extend my sincere appreciation for our Fiscal Department staff. In these uncertain times of COVID-19, they have managed to remain professional, dedicated and committed to making sure all payments to employees, annuity payments, elder payments, disability payments and all of our vendors continue to get done in a timely manner. In fact, they have processed payroll checks entirely from their remote locations, when that was the only way to get the job done, safely. In addition, the Minor’s Trust Fund statements will be issued in January, reflecting the balance ending December 31, 2020. One guiding principle in the Fiscal Department is that the staff is cross-trained; which means, in the event one of them is off, another can easily cover for them. Our fiscal staff is the epitome of professionalism and dedication. Thank you all for your hard work!
Please make the best of this holiday season and social distance as much as you possibly can. I understand newly elected President Biden will be asking everyone to wear a mask for 100 days after he takes office. Unfortunately, we are not out of the woods yet with this virus. If wearing a mask will help to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe, it’s something I hope we can all do.
Remember the three W’s: WASH your hands, WATCH your distance and WEAR a mask.
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.
COVID-19 Incubation Timeline posted below: