Rte. 438 and Versailles Plank Road, Cattaraugus Territory
Pastor – Rev. David Rood | 941-5703, dgrood62@yahoo.com
Submitted by Marilyn Anderson
We have just come through the most unusual holiday season that many of us have ever experienced! Covid-19 presented us with challenges that we were not anticipating. Family gatherings were put on hold, sporting events were cancelled, Christmas concerts were cancelled, travelling was out of the question but now we can look forward to 2021.
Exodus 12:2 says, “This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year.” So, how will you spend your year? What lessons have we learned from 2020? Hopefully, we learned about the generosity of strangers, the love of family, taking a break from the chaos of the world and we learned about the value of everyday life. In 2021 we can reconnect with our spiritual teachings which will help us to return to “normal” life. For many of us, 2021 means living without loved ones who passed on in 2020.
Four Corners has not had church services since before Thanksgiving. We have not been able to celebrate Advent or Christmas together. This has never happened in our church history and it has created a void in our church life. We look forward to the new year in hopes that we can come together again to celebrate our faith. Even though we are not able to meet in person, Pastor Dave gives a weekly message on Facebook. Feel free to hear his word and to “virtually” join with us for a few minutes. If you have need of spiritual guidance, please feel free to contact Pastor Dave by phone or e-mail. Peace.