Rte. 438 and Versailles Plank Road, Cattaraugus Territory
Pastor – Rev. David Rood | 941-5703, dgrood62@yahoo.com
Submitted by Marilyn Anderson
2020 is history!! 2021 will bring us new challenges – continuing to cope with Covid 19, finding the new “normal”, deciding to vaccinate or not and keeping our New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, exercise more, save money, go to college, keep in touch with friends and family, etc., etc. This year why not add – renew my spiritual life? You will be surprised at what a difference faith can make in your life. “Behold I make all things new” (Revelations 21:5). We wish everyone a Happy and Safe 2021.

You may have heard of the term “epiphany” which means a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of something that is very important to you or a powerful religious experience. It is an “a ha” moment!! We are accustomed to celebrating Christmas on one day but in Christian tradition the Christmas season lasts from sundown on December 24 (Christmas Eve) through January 6 and is referred to as Epiphany of the Lord. Epiphany is popularly referred to as “the twelve days of Christmas” and signifies the arrival of the Three Wisemen at the birthplace of Jesus.
Please pray for our communities: those who are affected by Covid 19 or other illnesses, those who are experiencing mental health problems, those who are battling addictions and those who are experiencing the loss of loved ones. Pray for our families.
Pastor Dave serves the Methodist churches at Four Corners, Versailles, and Gowanda. Unfortunately, some members of those churches have been affected by Covid 19. Therefore, services are being suspended until it is safe to gather again. If you need spiritual guidance feel free to contact Pastor Dave by phone or e-mail. Peace.