Nya’weh sgë:nö’ gagwe: göh,
If you didn’t already know Punxsutany Phil saw his shadow on Ground Hog’s Day, which predicts 6 more weeks of winter!! We are fortunate to have had a rather mild winter with only a couple significant snow events. The countdown to spring is here.
With the changing seasons I’m hopeful we will have some change in our numbers for COVID-19. Our 14-day snap shot shows we have seen another slight bump of positive cases. At a recent pop up testing event EMS tested 204 individuals. This was the largest number tested since the start. The good news is that only 11 individuals tested positive.
Nya:wëh EMS for the outstanding job at each and every testing event. Please keep our numbers low by continuing to do your part to by following COVID protocol of social distancing, mask wearing and handwashing. Keep your circles small by avoiding large gatherings. On the vaccination front our health department has administered 1,000 initial doses and 400 second boosters this month. We continue to receive a limited amount of primary or initial doses and will contact Indian Health Service to look into receiving more doses in the future. I believe the vaccine is a vital tool in fighting the virus. I know some members have concerns regarding the vaccine and should contact your health care provider for factual information. I understand this is a private and personal decision but it also plays a significant piece of the bigger picture in slowing the spread of the virus. You may also continue to join in the weekly virtual COVID-19 sessions for updated information.

The elders, our most precious teachers, are the most vulnerable population to the disease. We are saddened to have lost some elders to this disease, some fluent speakers and influential leaders. Again, let’s do our part by keeping our elder’s home and safe from exposure.
The Council and Executives are working on the seven-month budget to finish out the year. Fiscal presented the revenue and expenditures from March through September with adjustments made to Seneca Gaming and Entertainment due to the recent closure. Upgrades and repairs have been made to the systems damaged from the power surge and the facility opened ahead of schedule. Finalized budgets will be passed in March.
Looking forward stay safe as surrounding business are opening up for the public and better weather is coming. Our greatest strength comes from us working together, lift one another by staying strong and healthy.
Dah ne’hoh dih ae’