Looks like Punxsutawney Phil was right, after all, and we’re in for a few more weeks of winter. I hope you are all making the best of these snowy days and enjoying some outdoor activities. I see on Facebook – some of our adult members are sledding and some of our little guys are learning to throw snow snakes.
The Council, Executives and Fiscal staff have finalized the seven-month budget to finish up the 2021 fiscal year, which will take us to September 30th, 2021. I am very encouraged we will be able to plan a one year budget, for the 2021-22 budget process. As I reported previously on the Minor’s Trust Fund statements, which are now scheduled for every other month, be on the lookout for the March statement soon, from our Fiscal Department. I’m also happy to report that our new Buffalo Creek Seneca One Stop is on schedule to be completed and opened in April. This additional enterprise is projected to give our overall revenue a good boost.
The Drug Taskforce continues to meet regularly to develop systems of deterrents to deal with the drug epidemic we face in our communities. At our last meeting, we discussed a federal law enforcement grant, which may provide us some options to develop additional public safety initiatives, and could include Peace Officer training for our Marshals. We are committed to exploring all options and grants, which may be beneficial in this fight. We agree unanimously, we must continue to strengthen all of our efforts to rid outside drug dealers from our territories.
As more and more of our community members get vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, I’m hopeful everyone continues to follow the protocols and stays safe. There will be better, more normal, days ahead.
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.