(Submitted By Leatha Jimerson)
We hope this finds everyone well and healthy. We are keeping those that have lost loved ones in our thoughts and send comfort and strength to them. It has been a difficult year.
We have lost some members of our IGS community who supported and contributed to the society. Barbara (Bobbie) Huff attended our meetings and it was always a joy to see her smiling face and hear her memories of people that came before us. Rick Jemison was another fixture at our meetings, offering help whenever or however he could. Norma and Diane Kennedy and Cindy Mohr attended our meetings and were interested in genealogy. They all will be missed! Their memory and good intentions will live on in us and that we find comfort in.
We have decided to do our monthly meetings via Zoom until it becomes safe for everyone to gather again. The zoom meetings will be a learning experience for all of us but we wanted to continue with our monthly meetings of learning genealogy and of course we missed everyone!
Our first IGS Monthly Meeting will be held on March 11, 2021 at 6:30 pm via zoom. Please find the event announcement with direction on our webpage or facebook. The IGS website (www.iroquoisgenealogysociety.org) has been updated with new material. Our first meeting will be an overview of the IGS website showing our new additional records. Wallace Ward will present this material. He maintains our website and scans many documents to upload to the website. It is a task that takes much hard work and time. We are very grateful to Wally and his hard work for us. Our first meeting will also include a Genealogy 101 presentation by Leatha Jimerson. It will be a ‘how to get started’ in your genealogy research.

We will keep you posted on our upcoming meetings for 2021.
We are also on Facebook: Iroquois Genealogy Society. Please stay safe and healthy!