
BANISHMENT RESOLUTION – S.M.A.D- Seneca Mothers Against Drugs

60 Day Comment period for the proposed resolution:

WHEREAS, the purpose of the government of the Seneca Nation of Indians is to safeguard the people so they may feel secure within our Territories. In the preamble of our Constitution, it is written, “…to provide for ourselves greater safeguards to pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, and bring ourselves, as a Nation, to as high a plane intellectually, socially, morally as possible…”

WHEREAS, a primary function of our government is to safeguard Seneca Nation Territories.

WHEREAS, the Seneca Nation and the people are experiencing substantial harm by the influx and sale of illegal substances on our Territories.

WHEREAS, our government can no longer rely upon New York State to use its enforcement authority to stop the illegal drug traffic that is rampant on our Territories and must use the power of our own government and officials to stop the drug trafficking within our boundaries.

WHEREAS, criminal enforcement authority on our Territories resides with New York State, however, the Seneca Nation can exert civil authority within our governmental jurisdiction. Civil actions can be excluding individuals whom reside on our Territories. Those that are doing harm and damage to our people can and should be excluded from our Territories. Civil actions should be brought by the Seneca Nation against individuals whom are doing harm to our people. Seneca Nation members whom are engaged in illegal drug trafficking should be excised from our Territories as well.

WHEREAS, elected officials took an oath to uphold and protect the Seneca Nation Constitution and by so doing have a duty to protect and safeguard our Territories.

WHEREAS, action is required by our leaders to safeguard the people from the damage caused by the trafficking of illegal substances on our Territories.

WHEREAS, known traffickers of illegal substances have done great damage on our Territories and, therefore, should be excluded.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; the Council of the Seneca Nation of Indians hereby takes action to exclude, banish, and remove individuals from Seneca Nation Territories.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Council will proceed with developing policies regarding any order of banishment i.e., removal of any and/or all benefits that are made available to members of the Seneca Nation.

Please submit comments to Millicent Proud, Treasurer’s Office. 716-945-1790 ext. 5108.