Departments Elders

Seneca Nation Area Office for the Aging

Submitted by Shantel Burning

Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly (EISEP)
• EISEP services include non-medical in-home services such as housekeeping, personal care, respite, case management, and related services (such as emergency response systems).
• EISEP services support and supplement informal care provided by clients’ families.
• Clients are required to share the cost of services, based on income. These costs are determined by a sliding scale and range from no-cost to full-cost.

Who is eligible?
EISEP assists older people (aged 60 and older) who need help with everyday activities to take care of themselves (such as dressing, bathing, personal care, shopping, and cooking), want to remain at home, and are not eligible for Medicaid.
The EISEP Program receives State and local funding. In addition, EISEP clients are required to cost share according to a sliding scale reflecting their income and the cost of the services they receive.

How do I find EISEP services?
EISEP case managers help older people and their families to decide what help is needed and to arrange for those services. Services may include non-medical in-home services, case management, non-institutional respite, ancillary services, and other community services. EISEP supports and supplements the care provided by families and friends.

For more information about the Expanded In-home Service for the Elderly Program (EISEP), contact Seneca Nation Area Office for the Aging, Allegany Case Manager, Teresa Redeye @ 945-8414 or Cattaraugus Territory Case Manager, Shantel Burning @ 532-5777.