Steven “Sauce” Schindler

DOB – January 24, 1976
Clan – Turtle

We were really looking forward to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays when COVID struck our family and took the life of Steve Schindler. We were all devastated and left reeling in disbelief that COVID could bring down such a big strong guy as Steve. Since the day he was born, he brought so much joy to our family. I remember so vividly his little curly ringlets and him running around in his little onesies. He was so stinking cute and had a great big personality. He never wanted to be left behind when we all went off shopping or wherever but he was a great little tagalong . He grew into a loving, caring man that always looked after his family and always made time for his Mom and Dad. His parents taught him to be responsible, kind and respectable to others. It was that foundation that made him the person we all knew and loved which also fostered his commitment to family and community. When he met Crystal and they started a family with Emma their first born and Emmett several years later, he also gained two stepdaughters, Sierra and Lea. He is and will truly be missed not only by his family and friends, but also by the community at large and, in particular, Seneca Fire to which he was so very dedicated.

Aunties Maggie and Linda