
FEMA Assistance

FEMA Assistance to Help Pay Funeral Costs for COVID-19 Related Deaths

Submitted by Emergency Management

During a recent Tribal Nation Conference call FEMA announced it is rolling out a new funding program for Funeral Assistance for individuals who have incurred out of pocket funeral expenses not covered by other sources.

FEMA will begin providing financial assistance for funeral expenses incurred after Jan. 20, 2020 for deaths related to coronavirus (COVID-19) to help ease some of the financial stress and burden caused by the pandemic. The policy was finalized March 24, 2021 (HQ-21-071), and FEMA is now moving rapidly to implement this funeral assistance program nationwide.

FEMA Representative Julie Blanciak, Individual Assistance Branch Chief, presented Region II Tribal Emergency Managers with the following information on how to apply for Funeral Assistance:

•FEMA will begin accepting applications for Individual Funeral Assistance beginning on Monday, April 12, 2021.

•The following number will be used for those individuals applying: 844-684-6333 through our dedicated FEMA call center.

•A Funeral Assistance website has been updated to include a YouTube instructional video, pertinent information and FAQ’s:

•Attached below is the link to the FEMA Funeral Assistance Program Policy:

See flyer below: