Our Head Start Virtual Classroom is coming to an end, I wanted to share what we have been doing with our students. We completed two-unit Studies in Spring they were,” Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Study and Music study.” The children enjoyed making recycled bird feeders and home-made instruments. They completed many hands- on activities at home for both of the Studies. Check out some of the students in Miss Heather Ribbeck’s classroom.

Check out Vincent Rivera finger-painting project. This activity was called, “ I can take care of our earth with my two hands.” It encouraged children to think how we can take care of mother earth.
Check out Sylvie Williams and Zinia Parker jamming out on their newly decorated wooden guitars.
Cassius John grew this magic bean plant from a seed, we’ve been recording the growth of our bean plants. I wonder how tall that bean plant is now?
Andi Crooks is creating her bagel bird feeder, she spread peanut butter on the bagel and sprinkled it with bird seed. The next day on Zoom Andi told me her bagel bird feeder disappeared outside. I wonder who ate it?