DRUG EPIDEMIC - Special Edition

New York State’s 911 Good Samaritan Law Protects YOU

The New York State 911 Good Samaritan Law allows people to call 911 without fear of arrest if they are having a drug or alcohol overdose that requires emergency medical care or if they witness someone overdosing.

The following are signs of an overdose. CALL 911 if the person:
• Is passed out and cannot be woken up;
• Is not breathing, breathing very slowly, or making gurgling sounds; Has lips that are blue or grayish color.

Why should you care about the 911 Good Samaritan Law?
• The law empowers YOU to save a person’s life.
• The law encourages anyone to call 911 when they see or experience a drug or alcohol overdose.

Who is protected by the 911 Good Samaritan Law?
• Everyone – regardless of age – who seeks medical help for themselves or someone else during an overdose.
• The person who has overdosed.

The law DOES NOT protect YOU from the following:

• A1 felony possession of a controlled substance (8 ounces or more};
• Sale or intent to sell controlled substances;
• Open warrants for your arrest; and
• Violation of probation or parole.

The law DOES protect YOU from the following:

• Possessing controlled substances up to and including A2 felony offenses (anything under 8 ounces);
• Possessing alcohol, where underage drinking is involved;
• Possessing marijuana (any quantity);
• Possessing drug paraphernalia; and
• Sharing drugs

What if I am accused of selling drugs?
• Calling 911 can be used In your defense when the charge Is less than an A2 felony – as long as you don’t have a prior conviction for an A1, A2, or B drug felony sales or attempted sales offense.
• Calling 911 can be a factor ln reducing the length of a prison sentence for A1 and A2 felony convictions.

What if I am under the age of 21 years, will this law protect me?
• Yes. Nothing should stop YOU from calling 911 in a life or death situation.