Submitted by Dawn Stevens, Emergency Management
The Seneca Nation still is offering COVID-19 diagnostic testing to individuals and employees of the Seneca Nation. Testing is open to anyone who would like to be tested. You DO NOT need to have COVID-19 like symptoms to be tested.
Seneca Fire – Allegany Territory, 8184 E. Loop Rd., Jimtown (Salamanca), NY
Seneca Fire – Cattaraugus Territory, 12879 Rte. 438, Irving, NY
When: Testing is by request to set a date and time
How: Call Emergency Management at (716) 532-8178 (business hours) or (716) 244-0820 (after hours) or Seneca EMS at (716) 532-8550 (business hours) or (716) 574-2007 (after hours)
PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. You must register for a test.
Those without registration completed will not be accommodated at the test site and cannot be tested!
How to Register for COVID-19 Testing:
• Register online at
• Client code: senecagov and User code: 3030
• You must register prior to the testing date
• Please bring your phone with you to the testing site to access your registration link
What to Expect on the Day of your Test:
• DO NOT eat or drink anything one hour prior to the testing
• Please arrive no more than 5 minutes prior to your scheduled time
• Please remain in your vehicle and follow the directions of staff at the testing site
• Testing is conducted while you are in your vehicle
• Testing is conducted via saliva sample and only takes a few minutes to complete
• You can expect the results of your test in 2-3 days; by text message, email or phone call
• You should self isolate after testing until results comeback negative, to resume normal activity
Note: This saliva sample PCR test will determine if someone is currently infected with the COVID-19 virus.