Submitted by Hayden Haynes
Nya:wëh Sgë:nö,
In light of what everyone has been through in the recent year and a half, the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum is happy to announce a FREE musical performance of OPLIAM at the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center.
OPLIAM is a multi-instrumentalist whose music crosses all musical boundaries. He plays rock and roll, hip-hop and reggae. Sometimes separately, sometimes interwoven. OPLIAM has toured internationally, playing shows in Australia and New Zealand. In 2019, OPLIAM played both the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington, DC as well as the 23rd Annual World Peace and Prayer Day, held by Chief Arvol Looking Horse. OPLIAM has also played shows with Indigenous, Frank Waln, and members of Gogol Bordello. OPLIAM’s Mohawk ancestry has influenced him as a musician. OPLIAM originates from Kahnawake Mohawk Reserve outside of Montreal, Quebec. OPLIAM’s 4th studio album “What Symbol Represents a Spirit” is an LP, that was released July 2021. Hear samples of his work by visiting his website,
The performance is free and open to the public. For more information, please call (716) 945-1760.