Nya:wëh Sgë:nö’ To All Seneca Community Members
Submitted by Lafayette Williams
We at New York Connects would like to let you know that we are still operating during this pandemic of the COVID-19. We can help you with your long-term services and supports and needs for people of all ages, any disability, and caregivers. New York Connects can help you apply for Medicaid, find care and support, get answers about Medicare, learn about supports in caregiving, and much more.
There are three ways to contact us:
By phone: Call 1-800-342-9871. Interpretation and translation services are free. Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing can use the Relay System 7-1-1. Western New York Independent Living Inc. 1-888-564-5171
Online: Please visit our website: www.nyconnects.ny.gov. Please be safe and healthy, Nya:wëh.
Personally: Lafayette Williams NY Connects Independent Living Outreach Specialist: Office number (716) 836-0822 Extension 538 – Work cell phone number: (716) 578-4679 or e-mail address: lwilliams@wnyil.org