Update from Pam Bowen:
Nya:wëh sgë:nö’! My name is Pamela Bowen and I am the newest staff addition to the Allegany TERC department. I am the 477 Adult Employment Counselor.

What is the 477 Program of the Training and Resource Center (TERC)?
The mission of the TERC, is to assists Seneca youth and adults to succeed in the workforce by encouraging self-sufficiency, facilitating the creation of job opportunities and providing services that are related to job readiness.
The 477 Program offers a “one stop” shop for the Seneca community by continuous networking with various institutions, agencies, apprenticeships or individuals that offer vocational or on-the-job training and building partnerships with them, as they seek employable people. It is our job, to assist in providing qualified and/or certified members of our community to fill those positions. The success of our participants, is our success!
If you are interested in receiving additional training in your current position or are looking to change jobs and find that you are lacking in certain skills or training, please feel free to contact our office at (716) 945-8120. The staff at TERC will be happy to answer your questions or assist you in the application process of your requested interest.
Please feel free to contact the TERC office for further information concerning any of the listed courses. I can be reached at (716) 945-8120 x-3045.
Update from Patti Brisley:
Applications for the Fall 2021-2022 Y.E.S. Program are being accepted until Fri. Oct. 29, 2021.
Please contact the Catt. or Alleg. TERC office for more information. See flyer below:

Update from Nancy Toth:
TERC – Seneca Training Center
Inspect Your Home
- Use an inspection template to conduct your own house inspection.
- Basic tips on repairs
Date: October 20th
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Household Energy Saving Steps
- How is your home losing energy? Drafts, windows, doors.
- Affects of extreme weather changes to your home
- Review of your house inspection template.
- Steps to save energy loss.
Dates: November 3rd and 17th
Time: 6 – 8:00 p.m.
Tools for the Home
- Basic tools every homeowner needs
- Specialty tools for bigger jobs for rent
- Practical demonstration and use of tools
Dates: December 1st and 20th
Time: 6 – 8 p.m.
All workshops held at the Seneca Training Center: 10189 Old Rte 17, Steamburg. Each class is limited to 12 people.
Contact for registration: TERC , Rory Crouse, Intake Tech. 716-945-8120