With the changing seasons, autumn brings out the colors of fall along with hunters. The Seneca Nation Conservation Fish & Wildlife Department would like to remind Hunters to be safe and be responsible. Please be respectful to other community members.
Please remember these ethical hunting tips:
•Respect public and private property
•Practice safe and ethical behavior – Target and beyond
•Appreciate Nature and respect the game you are taking – use what you kill
•Support conservation efforts, inform the CFW Department of any wrong doing
•Be an example of a responsible hunter/sportsman and a role model for future youth sportsman
REMINDER: In accordance with SNI Executive Order – No person shall discharge or intend to discharge a firearm, crossbow, or bow:
I. Over any part of a public highway or road; or
II. Within five hundred (500) feet of any school, playground, public building, or occupied church; or
III. Within five hundred (500) feet of a residence or place of
business, unless permission is obtained from the
Conservation officers will be patrolling all Seneca Nation Territories. Officers will be pulling over vehicles spotting on territory to conduct enrollment checks and hunting law enforcement.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact:
Seneca Nation Conservation Fish & Wildlife Department
Allegany (716) 945-2779
Cattaraugus (716) 532-3040
Hunter Ethics

• Hunt responsibly
• Respect other hunters
• Respect the lands
• Respect wildlife
• Carry in-carry out trash
• Don’t waste any game you harvest
• ONLY shoot what you need
• Be a steward of the resource
• Practice gun safety
• Introduce youth to the outdoors
For questions or to report an incident:
Seneca Nation Conservation & Wildlife Department at 716-945-2779.