Nya:weh sgënö’ gagwe:göh,
I’m very thankful you are well. November is the month we give thanks for many things. I’m thankful we are working together as a community to stay healthy. Our numbers for COVID are elevated this week. We currently have 38 cases indicated on the COVID hub, 31 in Allegany, 3 in Cattaraugus and 4 detected through Blue Stone testing. The holiday season is upon us and we anticipate family gatherings. Keep in mind COVID protocols even during family time where there are close quarters. Keep family home if they exhibit COVID symptoms. We also are having higher cases of the common cold and flu up from last year which may be attributed to people not following healthy protocols.
Vaccination boosters are now available at our Health clinics. Please contact Kim Bradly at 716-532-5582 or Teri Cowles at 719-345-5894 to schedule an appointment for the shot. Vaccinations for children 5 – 11 years of age will be available later in the month.
November is also Native American month. Many of the school districts are presenting cultural events and activities for students to experience our rich culture. The recent events highlighting boarding school atrocities gave an opportunity to re-energize the commitment to share our history from our perspective with others. If you would like more specific information on any historical events the Seneca Iroquois museum or our Seneca Nation Libraries will have resource materials about our Nation.
The Seneca-Iroquois National Museum was named Tribal Destination of the Year by the American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association (AIANTA) at a recent American Indian Tourism conference. The Seneca-Iroquois National Museum houses an extensive collection of historical and traditionally designed every-day-use items and archaeological artifacts. The Seneca Nation Archives Department, also safely keeps historical documents, including articles, special publications, historical and family photographs and various multi-media productions regarding the Onöndowa’ga:’ and Hodinöhsö:ni’. Let’s continue to share, research and remember our history. Our ancestors were diligent in protecting our sovereignty, and treaties for future generations.
In celebration of National Native American Heritage month Gowanda Central school invites students, families and the community for a free Haudenosaunee song and dance performance at Gowanda’s Historic Hollywood theater on Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at 7:00pm. District students will participate in the night’s events. Reminder COVID protocols will be in place.
We have many employment opportunities listed with the Seneca Nation Human Resources Department. Training opportunities are also available at the Cattaraugus Training & Employment Resources Center (TERC). Simple electrical is being offered on November 17, 2021 from 6:00 – 8:00 for the everyday project in your home. Please register at the TERC office at 716-532-1033. They also have many other programs available for community members.
As always, stay safe, stay strong. Dah ne’hoh dih ae’,
Matthew B. Pagels
Join us this month for the many Native American Heritage Month events
Native American Heritage Month has evolved from its beginnings as a week-long celebration in 1986, when U.S. President Reagan proclaimed the week of November 23-30, 1986 as “American Indian Week.” Every President since 1995 has issued annual proclamations designating the month of November as the time to celebrate the culture, accomplishments, and contributions of people who were the first inhabitants of the United States (from PBS.org). The Seneca Nation is proud to celebrate Native American Heritage Month. Stay tuned all month for our many celebrations and Heritage Month content.
Events will be posted to the Nation’s website: www.sni.org
Seneca Media & Communications Center Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/senecamedia/
SNI Official Newsletter website: www.sninews.org
Seneca Resorts & Casinos: www.senecacasinos.com