Haudenosaunee Sports Museum/Center
The Seneca Nation was awarded funding from the Department of the Interior, BIA Office of Indian Economic Development, Tribal Tourism Grant Program to conduct a professional Economic Feasibility Study including Pro-forma/Market Analysis and Business Plan on the development and implementation of a Haudenosaunee Sports Museum/Center on Seneca Nation Territory.
The Seneca Nation will hire an experienced consultant to perform Objectives One & Two below. Proposals should clearly address the following:
Objective One – Conduct an Economic Feasibility Study including Pro-Forma/Market Analysis.
The feasibility study will include: potential benefits of development, cost vs. benefit analysis, accessibility, public sentiment, infrastructure needs, and regional opportunity/competitive set. The feasibility study will include a comparison of other sports museum/centers, not including Cooperstown, NY.
Objective Two – Develop a Business Plan for the Haundeosaunee Sports Museum/Center, including SWOT analysis, branding scheme, programming needs, marketing and sales recommendations, and funding/fundraising plan.
The Business Plan will provide the Seneca Nation with the necessary information to transform the concept of the Haundeosaunee Sports Museum/Center into a fully operational destination. The Business Plan will be the formal document outlining the goals, direction, finances, team, and further planning for the Haudenosaunee Sports Museum/Center.
A Request for Proposal (RFP) to conduct the Economic Feasibility Study, including Pro-Forma/Market Analysis ($50,000) and business plan ($25,000) on the development and implementation of an Haudenosaunee Sports Museum/Center.
To view the entire RFP, please visit:
For additional information or questions, please contact:
Seneca Nation Department of Transportation (SNDOT)
Attn: Sharon Ray, SNDOT Director
90 Ohi:yo Way
Salamanca, NY 14779