Haudenosaunee Sports Museum/Center The Seneca Nation was awarded funding from the Department of the Interior, BIA Office of Indian Economic Development, Tribal Tourism Grant Program to conduct a professional Economic Feasibility Study including Pro-forma/Market Analysis and Business Plan on the development and implementation of a Haudenosaunee Sports Museum/Center on Seneca Nation Territory. The Seneca Nation […]
Seneca-Iroquois National Museum named Tribal Destination of the Year Press Release – Seneca Media & Communications – 11/05/21 Photo: Front L to R: Brenda Kindt, THPO Manager & Councilor Arlene Bova. Back L to R: Councilor Angie Kennedy; Hayden Haynes, Museum Manager; Tristan Jimerson, Cultural Specialist; Art Hill, Records Manager; Dr. Joe Stahlman, Director; Johnna […]
Greetings, I hope all of our kids in our communities were able to get out and enjoy some of the many Harvest and Halloween celebrations that were put on by various departments and organizations. I managed to stop by the H.E.R.O. Trunk or Treat event and hand out some treats. The weather that night was […]