Submitted by Luana Jimerson
Nyawëh Seneca Nation of Indians voters for re-electing me as Surrogate Court Judge on Cattaraugus Indian Territory!
The staff and I are dedicated to being fair and consistent with the administration of estates we are charged with. If you have a matter that relates to an estate, Meaka Garlow and Nadine Maracle are the point of contact for the Surrogate’s Court. Our office may be reached by calling (716) 532-0024 or by calling the William Seneca Building receptionist at (716) 532-4900.
Court Clerks’ Contact Information:
• Court Clerk, Meaka Garlow @ Ext. 5486 – Between 7:00 am – 3:30 pm
• Court Clerk, Nadine Maracle @ Ext. 5492 – Between 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
I cannot take your phone calls or emails as it relates to business. Communication is always best when all heirs are present in a courtroom setting.
Face coverings or masks are mandatory upon entering the courthouse.
Luana Jimerson