I keep hearing we’re supposed to have a mild winter. Then, I’ll talk to someone else and they say we’re supposed to have a fierce winter this year. Maybe it will end up being in between, since we already had some snow – then it all melted! Whatever happens, we know we’ll be having winter weather very soon.
This is an especially busy time of year for our Fiscal Department. Right after finalizing all of the Nation’s budgets each fall, they switch gears and go right into a variety of year-end closeout procedures and preliminary reporting. In addition, this is also the time of year for long-term financial forecasting of our governmental funds, investment portfolios and subsidiary entities. They continue to work on transition with the Housing Department and the new LLC’s, SG&E and our Seneca One Stop enterprises, which are vital contributors to our nation’s economic position. The Fiscal Department is also supporting the IT Department on the document management project; as is it a goal for the Nation’s fiscal processing forms to be sent over electronically to the Fiscal Department. Operating any financial system includes processing payment documents such as purchase orders, paying invoices and producing electronic and paper checks. The most tedious paperwork processing can be accomplished quicker and more efficiently through digital submission of the forms and we are working to move in this direction. Our weekly check processing substantially increases at this time of year and our Fiscal Department makes sure to meet each and every deadline. Our Fiscal Department is also responsible for managing federal funds received from the CARES ACT; and the ARPA funds; which each have strict distribution and reporting guidelines.
This COVID-19 pandemic, with all of its accompanied variety of strains, seems to be a never-ending plague; but I know that there will eventually be a return to “normal” – at some point in the future. My hope is that all of us in our communities can pull together and do our part to help prevent any further spread and stand united in this battle. Please take advantage of all the testing opportunities provided by Seneca Nation, as well as the vaccination clinics established for booster shots at both of our health centers.
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.