Western New York Independent Living names Lafayette Williams “Employee of the Year”
November 16, 2021 | www.wnyil.org

A disability human services and civil rights advocacy organization that employs over 2100 individuals in 14 Counties in New York State, Western New York Independent Living, Inc. (WNYIL), has named New York Connects Independent Living Outreach Specialist Lafayette Williams as the recipient of the Joanne Wozniak Employee of the Year Award for 2021.
At a gathering of staff, volunteers, and friends of the WNYIL Family of Agencies, earlier this year, New York Connects Region 1 Coordinator Amanda Pinter announced the Award with this tribute to Mr. William’s selfless efforts:

“Over the last year, this staff member was determined to make public education a priority to ensure consumers knew we were still open and here to help. When face-to-face tabling events were not an option [due to the pandemic], they hung flyers and put brochures in places people were still going — like groceries stores and clinics. This staff member not only made sure people knew about us but was also dedicated to ensuring their consumers had what they needed. Weekly check-in’s if necessary and delivering loan closet items to help with whatever issues arose. Word-of-mouth traveled across the community and soon people were stopping this staff member in the grocery store, asking for help. They stayed positive and true to our mission this past year. With that said, I am proud to introduce the 2021 Employee of the Year, Lafayette Williams.”
A member of the Beaver Clan in the Seneca Nation of Indians. Mr. Williams resides on the Cattaraugus territory, and is the first Native American to receive WNYIL’s Employee of the Year Award.
The Award was named for Joanna Wozniak, who was one of the Agency’s senior Counselors when she retired, shortly before passing away, a few years ago.
The Western New York Independent Living, Inc. Family of Agencies offer an expanding array of services to aid individuals with disabilities to take control of their own lives.
Ja:goh Lafayette!