90 OHI:YO’ Way (3rd floor)
Salamanca NY 14779
716-945-1790, ext. 8309
Open Fridays 10– 2pm (or by appointment)
210 TIS Drive
Irving NY 14081
Open Monday thru Friday 8-4:30 pm
716-532-4900, ext. 5151 | Emergency Only: 716-801-2955
FREE PPE and Covid Test Kits Delivery for homebound and dialysis or medical issued participants. Please call our office to be placed on the list.
Homeowners– Emergency Support Service for minor home repair, must have a deed.
Transportation— FULLY VACCINATED CLIENTS ONLY . (Must have a 3 day notice)
Referrals as needed.
Great resource for an In Home Aide is Fredonia Care all of NY State. Must have Medicaid/Medicare
Phone: 1-877-791-0785
Please watch for new info sessions coming soon.