
Emergency Management Update

The University of Tennessee Center for Agriculture and Food Security and Preparedness (CAFSP) has received a grant from the Center for Rural Development to offer two different training programs to help Tribal communities detect, respond to, and mitigate all-hazards threats and/or disease outbreaks. Through the grant, both of these courses will be offered to Tribal communities and their stakeholders free of charge. Focusing on Tribal communities and other key personnel from partnered communities in the event of an all-hazards event or disease outbreak because they are geared at fostering a whole community approach.

  • PER 333: Isolation and Quarantine Response Strategies in the Event of a Biological Disease Outbreak in Tribal Nations (posted below)
  • MGT 449: Community Based Response to All-Hazards Threats in Tribal Communities (posted below)

The target audience include Tribal community representatives and other officials from emergency management, public health, law enforcement, fire, cooperative extension, medical services, environmental health, veterinarians and other animal health officials.

If interested in attending either of these training courses, please contact Emergency Management @ 716-532-8178 Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. A minimum of 25 participants is required for course delivery. Date and time to be determined.

Submission deadline is March 25, 2022.