The University of Tennessee Center for Agriculture and Food Security and Preparedness (CAFSP) has received a grant from the Center for Rural Development to offer two different training programs to help Tribal communities detect, respond to, and mitigate all-hazards threats and/or disease outbreaks. Through the grant, both of these courses will be offered to Tribal […]
Artists, Food Vendors and Smoke Dance! Stop on down to the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center on March 19th, 2022 from 10am-4pm and do a little shopping, enjoy some lunch prepared by our local chefs and cheer on your favorite smoke dancers! Vendors Wanted as well! Note: Tables provided for the first 5 vendors! For more information, […]
Come down and support the Catt Rez Beaders as they host the upcoming Spring Vendor Day at the Sully. Save the date: April 16th from 10am-5pm See flyer below for details: