The Seneca Nation and Tilson team continue to splice the broadband fiber network together throughout the Cattaraugus Territory. Calix will be installing electronics in the data centers during the week of March 21 and lighting up the network by early April.
Splicing from the DFT cabinet in Gowanda all the way to the William Seneca Building has been completed. All fibers have been pulled into Hut 1 and splicing continues towards Irving. The network will be tested end-to-end by the end of March.
The Seneca Energy team expects to have 20 beta (test) customers connected to the network by mid-April. By mid-May, we expect to have approximately 150 customers connected to the network. We’ll continue to install services and grow from there!
Thank you for your patience throughout construction this winter. The networks download speeds enable ready access to online video content, interactive applications, gaming and other multimedia resources throughout the Cattaraugus Territory. Residents and businesses will save money and be able to streamline applications and processes to create efficiencies in both life and business.
Plans start at $49.95/month! To sign up for service please call 716-532-3131!