Part 1 of 2.
Submitted by Ron Cook Jr., Post Commander, Iroquois Post 1587
The Seneca Nation and Iroquois Post 1587 pays tribute to our Vietnam War Veterans as part of a National Vietnam War Commemoration Program. This recognition initiative allows communities to set aside some time in the month of March each year to honor Warriors of the Vietnam War. The Seneca Nation had a high percentage of its members participate in this War and in large part not given the appropriate recognition when these Warriors returned home despite the unpopular rumors that followed. In fact, according to the U.S. Census, almost one-quarter (24.4%) of Seneca veterans at the Seneca Nation’s Allegany Territory and half (50.6%) of veterans at the Cattaraugus Territory served in the military during the Vietnam War era (2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Table B21002). This commemoration program gives the Seneca Nation an opportunity to pay tribute to their Vietnam War Veterans. This year the nation will highlight and welcome home Vietnam War Veterans Markey Jimerson, William “Bill” Jones, and Dan M. Jimerson.

Markey Winston Jimerson born August 02, 1946, is a U.S. Marine Corp Vietnam War Veteran, enrolled member of the Seneca Nation of Indians and of the Turtle Clan. Markey grew up acknowledging his responsibility of becoming a productive member of his community despite personal challenges of not completing his formal education and decided to join the Armed Forces. Markey joined the U.S. Marine Corp at the age of 18 and would enter active-duty service on August 17, 1964, in Buffalo NY. After completing Basic Training at Paris Island, SC, he received additional advanced Infantry training at Camp Lejeune, NC earning his 0800 Field Artillery Cannon Crewman rating.
Markey stayed at Camp Lejeune, NC assigned to Golf Battery, 3rd Battalion, 10th Marines, 2nd Marine Division FMF (Fleet Marine Force) as an Artillery Batteryman. During his brief stay on Camp Lejeune, he would travel to Puerto Rico and participated in a six-week long live-fire field artillery proficiency exercise at the Naval Training Range on Vieques Island. After completing his exercise, he received orders to deploy to the Mediterranean Sea in support of the Sixth Naval Fleet (a.k.a. STRIKEFORSOUTH) with Amphibious Task Forces 61/62 on a heavily armored amphibious tank landing warship Graham County (LST 1176). He and his marine expeditionary unit were assigned to fulfill a critical role in maintaining a strong NATO presence in the Mediterranean stopping at Port of Calls in Spain, Malta, Sardinia-Italy, and Greece and returned to Camp Lejeune by November 1965.
After returning to the United States in February 1966, Markey departed San Diego, CA and traveled across the Pacific aboard a huge armed troop transport ship called the USS General William Weigel and arriving Da Nang in the Republic of Vietnam by mid -March. He along with his fellow marines were processed as replacements to fill battlefield personnel shortages. He received assignment orders to Golf Battery, 3rd Battalion, 12th Marines, 3rd Marine Division located in Chu Lai. By this time Markey had earned his Corporal strips and brought his feared lethal combat artillery capabilities to the Vietnam area of operations. He and his unit stayed on the move in order to avoid hostilities and detection as his unit played a vital role to provide field artillery fire support for combat forces in the region and even traveled near the DMZ to Camp Carroll to bring the reign of artillery fire power to the North Vietnamese enemy forces.
In December of 1966, Markey’s professionalism and combat experience would be utilized in Okinawa as he trained in-bound combat replacements on lessons learned and shared the deadly hazards of the Vietnam War. Finally in March of 1967 Markey received orders for state-side and traveled back by air via San Francisco and placed on liberty for 2-weeks. After liberty, he finished his active-duty service at Quantico, VA as an assistant demonstration instructor for the officer candidate’s school. Markey’s hard work allowed him to earn his GED diploma, Sergeant strips and received special assignment orders to perform force protection and law enforcement duties with the base Military Police unit.
Honorably Discharged on 26 August 1968, Markey returned home and found employment with the Niagara Mohawk & National Grid Corporation working 31 years until retiring in 2003. He also served in the Air Force Reserves from 1973 to 1978 with the 914th Combat Support Group at the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station in Niagara Falls NY.
Markey’s awards and decorations are many and commendable to name a few:
• Vietnam Service Medal
• Vietnam Campaign Medal with/60 Device
• Combat Action Ribbon
• Meritorious Service Medal
• Good Conduct Medal
• National Defense Service Medal
Markey still remains on the Cattaraugus Territory and is married to his lovely wife Cheryl, and a proud parent of children Nathan, Derek, and the late Amiee Jimerson. Markey Jimerson is also a dedicated and active member of American Legion Iroquois Post 1587 for 22-years.

William Paul Jones born February 13, 1950, a U.S. Army Vietnam War Veteran, enrolled member of the Seneca Nation of Indians and of the Bear Clan. Bill grew up on the Allegany Territory and Graduated from Salamanca Central High School in 1970 and shortly after received a draft notification to join the U.S. Army and inducted August 27, 1970, to support the Vietnam War efforts in the Republic of Vietnam. Bill would report to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) in Buffalo, NY and sent to Fort Knox for Basic Training and then to Fort Polk, Louisiana for advanced Infantry and Jungle Training.

Shortly after Infantry training, Bill received orders to deploy to Vietnam and would be assigned to Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry, 101st Airborne (Airmobile) Division in support of the Vietnam War efforts. Bill’s unit had a prestigious history and were known as soldiers of “Geronimo” (established in March 1941), but the North Vietnamese enemy forces viewed them as fearless helicopter warriors as they conducted numerous combat missions during the Vietnam War bringing intense bloody fighting capabilities and decimated their foes 5 to 1 at times. Bill recalls an intense situation where he found himself pinned down by enemy fire and with a badly injured comrade to which he without fear of his own safety scooped up his injured comrade and carried him to a medical evacuation helicopter before it departed saving the Soldier’s life. Bill would receive the Vietnam Gallantry Cross Medal with Palm for his individual heroic actions. Bill continued to engage in bloody fighting in Operations “Dewey Canyon II” & “Lam-Son 719” and other areas like “Razorback Ridge” and the “Rock Pile.” Bill reflects the extraordinary definition and is the epidemy of a combat Warrior and would continue to participate in numerous combat missions until he accidently stepped on an explosive device causing injuries that prevented him from returning to the battlefield with his comrades.

Bill’s awards and decorations are many and commendable to name a few:
• Purple Heart
• Warriors Medal of Valor
• Combat Infantry Badge
• Good Conduct Medal
• National Defense Service Medal
• Vietnam War Service Medal (two bronze stars)
• Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Medal with Palm
• Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal with Device
• Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Medal
• New York State Conspicuous Service Cross
Bill still resides on the Allegany Territory and it’s because of the noble selfless service of our brave Vietnam War Veterans like Specialist William “Bill” Jones that Native Americans in general still proudly serve in large portions per capita in the Armed Forces today and he will remain as an admired Warrior for generations to come. William Jones is also a dedicated member of American Legion Iroquois Post 1587 for 30-years.
*Part 2 – Dan M. Jimerson’s Biography will be featured in the April 15th edition.
Upcoming Commemoration: