Submitted by Ron Cook Jr., Post Commander, Iroquois Post 1587.
Part 2 of 2
On March 26, 2022, The Seneca Nation held a Vietnam War Commemoration event at the Cattaraugus Seneca Fire Hall. Vietnam Veterans Day is held annually on March 29.
The event was to held to honor and pay tribute to Seneca Vietnam Veterans for their service and sacrifice, and to give thanks to their families.
Lcpl Dan M. Jimerson U.s. Marine Corp & Vietnam Wart Veteran

Dan Murray Jimerson born June 8th, 1951, is a U.S. Marine Corp Vietnam War Veteran, enrolled member of the Seneca Nation of Indians and of the Heron Clan. Dan grew up acknowledging his responsibility of becoming a productive member of his community despite personal challenges of not completing his formal education and asked his parents Louis & Gladys (Titus) Jimerson Sr. for their endorsed permission to allow him to serve in the Armed Forces. Dan joined the U.S. Marine Corp at the age of 17 and enter active-duty service on August 19, 1968, in Buffalo NY. After completing Basic Training at Paris Island, SC, he would go on to receive additional advanced Infantry training at Camp Geiger, NC earning his 0311 Rifleman rating. Dan recalls attending basic training with another native warrior from the Cattaraugus Territory Norm Jimerson, but they would part ways after their initial training encounter.

Dan received orders to attend jungle training at Camp Pendleton in California but would be redirected to deploy to Southeast Asia in support of combat operations in Vietnam. Dan boarded military air transport from El Toro AFB in California to Kadena AFB, Okinawa and finally landed in Da Nang Air Base in the Republic of Vietnam where he immediately received his rifle. Dan found himself assigned to Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Brigade, Fleet Marine Force forward deployed north of Da Nang in the Que Son Valley area. Dan would earn the confidence to serve as a Lance Corporal and as Fire Team Leader participating in intense combat operations during Operations “Imperial Lake” and “Pickens Forrest” where aggressive combat actions took place in Cambodia.
After eighteen months in Vietnam, Dan was honorably discharged February 10, 1972, and returned home to post War economic challenges but eventually secured his Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and traveled the country as a long-haul truck driver. Based out of Akron, Ohio Dan was an active advocate for a local Native American Cultural Center where he worked hard to acquire funding to support student higher education academic endeavors. Dan also developed some business experience through a partnership adventure building log homes and was an active member of the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 97. Dan would return to Salamanca to care for his father who fell ill and later started a small trucking business called “One Feather Trucking.”
Dan’s awards and decorations are many and commendable to name a few:
• Vietnam Service Medal
• Vietnam Campaign Medal with Device
• Combat Action Ribbon
• Good Conduct Medal
• National Defense Service Medal
• Unit Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Device
Dan still remains in the Salamanca area and is married to his lovely wife Rebecca, and a proud parent of children Jamie, Nadine, and Sarah Jimerson. Dan Jimerson is also a dedicated member of American Legion Iroquois Post 1587 for 22-years.
Upcoming Progressive Bingo Fundraiser – April 29th