Nya:wëh Sgëno’ swagwe:göh. Gaëdi:yoh ni’gya:soh. Dewashë:h sëh niwagoshiya’göh. Ohi:yo’ knöge’. Hello everyone, I’m thankful you are well. My name is Alyson Brown, I am 23 years old and a member of the Seneca (Allegany Territory) Nation.
As an undergraduate student at Arizona State University, I studied Community Health (B.S.). Through my studies, I created a working understanding on the various components of a healthy and sustainable community. In addition to the standard coursework, I was able to service Indigenous populations abroad with the Quechua of Peru and the Māori of New Zealand. I currently serve as a board member for my older brother’s non-profit and am employed as a crime victims advocate for my tribe.
These collective experiences have shaped the vision I have for Native communities. I believe in a self-sustaining tribal nation through capacity building across all sectors, the philanthropic sector especially. It is my hope that by participating in the Native youth grantmakers program, I can gain the tools and knowledge necessary to see my vision come to fruition.
For more about the Native Youth Grantmakers, visit nativephilanthropy.org.