Iroquois Genealogy Society
When: May 12, 2022 at 6pm
Where: Saylor Bldg, Rte 438 | Cattaraugus Territory
Presenter: Jack Ericson
Subject: Red Jacket Descendants
Please bring a dish to pass, tableware and beverage provided. Bring a friend and meet new ones! A great opportunity to learn family history!
Please note: A correction to Arthur Hill’s contact information at the SNI Archives – 716-945-1254 ext. 7848. Arthur’s title is Records Manager. Call him to make an appointment to view any documents.
Please check out our website: There are many resources available on the website such as census records, church and school lists etc.
We hope to see you soon! Be safe!
~ Iroquois Genealogy Society
(President Teresa VanAernam, Vice President Arthur Hill, Secretary Marilyn Anderson, Treasurer Leatha Jimerson)