On Thursday, May 19th the first Gaedzëönyok Quiz Bowl took place at the Steamburg Community Center sponsored by the Allegany Education Department, Seneca – Iroquois National Museum, Title IV Parent Committee and various artists in the community.
Bill Crouse emceed as Autumn Crouse, Sandy Dowdy and Mike Jones judged answers from contestants. Nine youths ranging from pre-school age to high school competed against each other in three different rounds. Music was provided by Old Bridge Singers during intervals and Ganönyok was given by Jake George.
The event was an effort to support and encourage Seneca Language in a fun family setting. Sponsors hope to hold more events that spur and foster a love of learning our language.
Dylan Maybee, age 7, walked away as the top winner with an iPad, his younger sibling Skye, age 6, came in at 2nd with a Google chrome book and Naressa Stahlman, age 5, chose markers as her winnings. “It’s truly inspiring to see the youth learning and speaking the language. It brings me joy to see how much it means to our elders,” says Brett Maybee.