
STC Graduates Latest Cohort

Seneca Training Center held their banquet for five graduating Trainees at the Cattaraugus Territory Community Center. Toonie Pierce, Cattaraugus TERC Director, opened the ceremony. SN Councilor Abrams spoke on behalf of President Matt Pagels. SN Treasurer Armstrong, BOCES Instructor Dan Macakanja, Paul Andalora, Blue Print & OSHA Instructor and TERO Directors from both Territories offered congratulatory remarks and advice to the trainees. Following the remarks and certificates from the Instructor, Allegany TERC YES program Director Patti Brisley presented her program awards.

Ja:goh to Geraldine Seneca, Amber Silverheels, Dakota Bennett, Kirby Ferguson and Darren Mohawk (absent).

The trainees were presented with a congratulatory gift bag along with hor’dourves, a sit down or take out meal, drinks, and cake.