Ten Artists to Work in Partnership with The Onöhsagwë:de’ Culture Center as Recipients of Creatives Rebuild New York’s Artist Employment Program
The Onöhsagwë:de’ Culture Center announced today that ten artists including Hilton Johnny-John, Maurice John Jr., Jocelyn Jones, Brett Maybee, Penelope S. Minner, Olivia Sanford, Cliff Redeye III, Patrick Redeye, Tami Watt, and Leeora White have received an Artist Employment Program (AEP) grant from C Creatives Rebuild New York (CRNY).

Designed to support employment opportunities for artists, the program is funding 98 collaborations involving a dynamic group of 300 artists employed by community-based organizations, municipalities, and tribal governments across New York State. CRNY has awarded a total of $49.9M in funding to support artists’ salaries and benefits, with an additional $11.7M in funding provided to the organizations holding employment.
“If we are to truly rebuild our amazing state, we must celebrate artists’ contributions not only to the economy but to what makes us human,” says Creatives Rebuild New York’s Executive Director Sarah Calderon. “The incredible work being funded through CRNY’s Artist Employment Program underscores the importance of direct support for both individual artists and the organizations that hold their employment.”
“Simultaneously, this opportunity permits us to expand upon our current vision of creating an artist corridor along the Ohi:yo’ (Allegheny River) and to continue sharing our traditional art forms with the world,” stated Joe Stahlman, Director of the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum and Onöhsagwë:de’ Culture Center.
For more information about Creatives Rebuild New York’s Artist Employment Program, please visit creativesrebuildny.org.
Creatives Rebuild New York
47 Hodinöshö:ni’ Artists Awarded Artist Employment Grant
July 1, 2022 | Repost from Ganondagan State Historic Site Facebook
In addition to the Onöhsagwë:de’ Culture Center, 37 other Hodinöshö”ni’ artists received the award under various non-profit organizations. Ja:goh to all!
Faye Lone, Diane Schenandoah, Adriana Poulette, Jolene Patterson, Joshua Sargent, Marnie Billie, Afton Lewis, Caryn Miller, Emma Shenandoah, Roger Perkins – REMATRIATION Haudenosaunee Territories / Onondaga County, NY
Thomas R. Porter, Douglas George, Jamie Jacobs, Daniel C. Hill, Tonia Loran-Galban, Lauren Jimerson, Marissa Manitowabi, Angela Ferguson – FRIENDS OF GANONDAGAN Haudenosaunee Territories
Raienkonnis Edwards – KANATSIOHAREKE MOHAWK COMMUNITY Haudenosaunee Territories / Mohawk Valley, NY
Theresa Bear Fox, Katsitsionni Fox, Tsitowe Billings, Bruce Boots, Brandon Lazore, Jack Johnson, Aronhiahies Herne, Margie Skidders, Alicia Cook, Carrie Hill – AKWESASNE BOYS & GIRLS CLUB Saint Regis Mohawk Reservation / Bombay, NY
Charity Jones, Kaycee Colburn – JAMESTOWN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Jamestown, NY
Patrick Redeye, Maurice John, Jr., Tami Watt, Penny Minner, Jocelyn J. Jones, Leeora S. White, Brett Maybee, Olivia Sanford, Hilton Johnny-John, Cliff Redeye – SENECA NATION OF INDIANS Seneca Nation Allegany Territory / Salamanca, NY
Mary Jacobs, Samantha Jacobs, Darelyn Spruce, Peter Jones – SENECA NATION OF INDIANS STANLEY “SULLY” HUFF HERITAGE CENTER Irving, NY
ArtistsAreWorkers #ArtistEmploymentCRNY #haudenosauneeart