Summer is officially in full swing and we now have a new employee in our office for the summer from the 2022 Seneca Leadership Program. Kara Valandra (bear clan) will be working with us until the middle of August. She will be a senior at Walsh Academy this fall and has taken over our Receptionist duties and responsibilities. We’re very thankful for the extra coverage and proud to have her with us for the summer.
Our Fiscal Department is well into the 2023 Seneca Nation Budget planning season and has developed a rigorous budget meeting schedule for the coming months. We all work together to make sure we meet our final budget deadline for approval at the September Council Meeting each year. I’m sure, similar to other governments and businesses, we are working to temper our bottom lines, now that we are fully open and the pandemic is behind us, for the most part. Had it not been for the austerity measures we put in place at the on-set of the global pandemic, we would be in a very different position than we currently are.
Aside from drive-thru events, the last time we had a large gathering for our elders was in the winter of 2019. It was the Winter Holiday Party at the Seneca Allegany Casino. The event was well attended and I believe we were entertained by “Elvis”. Our annual Summer elder’s event is being planned for Thursday, August 18th, 2022, from 11am to 3pm, at the Seneca Allegany Casino. The theme for this the event is “Seneca Elder Summer Jamboree”. There will be a buffet-style lunch, door prizes, games, classic country music and good company. Dress in your best Dolly Parton and Willie Nelson costumes, so you can compete in the look-alike contests. Also, there will be a prize for the best country outfit! This will be a good time to see long-time friends and visit with folks we haven’t had a chance to see in a while. I’m looking forward to a great, well-supported, in-person event! For more information and details, please call (716) 532-5777, X5500.
I hope everyone had a great time at the Marvin Joe Curry Veteran’s Pow-wow on the 16th & 17th, at Vet’s Park. The food, crafts, singing and dancing were all great! It was a hot one, but I sure enjoyed seeing all of our Senecas dressed in their finest regalia. The MMIW Red Dress Special, by Aryien Stevens, was very moving.
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.