Nya:wëh sgë:nö’ gagwe:goh.
We are in the month of August which means school is right around the corner and summer will be winding down soon.
We are also in the midst of our Stand with Seneca public awareness campaign. This will highlight all of our contributions in Western New York. It is designed to gain support and fairness as we begin the negotiation process on our next compact.
Recently, our Council representatives met with State Senator Sean Ryan and gained his support and asked he share information about our impact with his colleagues in our home region. We will have more events later this month as we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the signing of our gaming Compact. Stay tuned or check the campaign website – StandWithSeneca.com
We will continue to share our story to secure a fair gaming compact that recognizes our history and the important leadership role we play here in Western New York.

On to COVID, we currently have 28 active reported cases on our territories. We may have more who have tested with a home test and are quarantining without notice to the County or our health centers. Please continue to monitor yourselves and family for symptoms, test when needed and follow all public health guidelines to help limit the spread. Reminder, Bluestone testing is still available for Nation members and can be made by calling 716-220-2442. Vaccinations and boosters are also available for all eligible individuals and age groups. Please contact Cattaraugus Health at 716-532-5582 or Allegany Health at 716-945-5894 for appointments.
The Nation’s Surrogate Court and Judicial Conference have created a draft revision to the Seneca Nation’s Probate Code, which are aimed to lessen the backlog of estates in the Surrogate Court. Two public meetings were held to inform the public of the changes. A 30-day public comment period on the suggested revisions will start soon. More information will be available by contacting the Seneca Nation Clerk’s office.
The Seneca Nation Crime Victim Services is organizing a list of attendees and survivors of Indian Residential Boarding Schools. This information will be used for Historical preservation of the Seneca Nation.
Recently Pope Francis apologized to the Indigenous First Nations community of Canada for the atrocities that occurred at the residential schools. We know that this is not enough and this will not change what was taken from Native families and communities.
For more information on the Seneca Nation’s survey contact Melissa Shaw, the AOA Outreach Coordinator at 716-532-5777, ext. 5501 or view the website at sni.org.
Have a great day, stay safe, stay strong.
Dah ne’hoh dih ae’
Matthew B. Pagels