Iroquois Genealogy Society
IGS will have a busy month in September! We hope to see you at one of our meetings or events.
Our monthly meeting will be held on September 8th, 2022 at 6pm. The presentation will be given by Leatha Jimerson. The topic: a timeline regarding the life of her maternal great-grandfather, Fillmore Jackson. Fillmore was a Baptist Minister for the Pleasant Valley Baptist Church. This meeting will be at the Saylor Building on the Cattaraugus Territory.
Please bring a dish to pass, tableware and beverage provided. Bring a friend and meet new ones! A great opportunity to learn family history!
IGS will have an information table at the Seneca Nation Fall Festival on Saturday, September 10, 2022; 10-5 pm. Stop by and say ‘Hi’. We will have lists of various schools (TIS, Tuessassa, Carlisle Indian School, etc.) along with various census.
ROAD TRIP!! On September 14, 2022; Jare Cardinal will host a Canadea to Letchworth Area Presentation for IGS. Jare’s presentations are always amazing and informative. The itinerary, map and full details will be announced at our 9/8 monthly meeting. Please bring your own lunch and beverages.
Please check out our website: There are many resources available on the website such as census records, church and school lists etc. We hope to see you soon at one of our Doings! Be safe!
Iroquois Genealogy Society
(Pres. Teresa VanAernam, VP Arthur Hill, Secretary Marilyn Anderson, Treasurer Leatha Jimerson)