Chosen as the 2022 US Lacrosse Co-Coach of the Year and received the 2021-2022 Section VI Coaches Sportsmanship Award

Ja:goh Gary Sundown (Seneca, Turtle clan), son of Gail (Seneca, Turtle clan) and Donald Sundown (Tonawanda Band of Seneca, Beaver clan), who was recently honored with two athletic coaching awards. First, he was selected for the Section VI/Niagara Orleans League 2021-2022 Coaches Sportsmanship Award. He was presented this award on Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 at the Section VI annual recognition dinner held in West Seneca, NY. Gary was presented with the award by ACS Athletics Director Christopher Schiumo. He said “On behalf of Section VI, congratulations on being chosen for the 21-22 Coaches Sportsmanship Award. You have been selected for this award because you have demonstrated excellence in your professional relationships while maintaining the highest standards of good sportsmanship, which in turn has positively impacted your student-athletes and the surrounding community. Overall, the benefits of your actions are far-reaching, life-long, and far surpass the confines of athletic competition.” Secondly, Sundown was also the recipient of the 2022 US Lacrosse Co-Coach of the Year Award for the 2022 high school season with Akron High School.