Congrats to Deadiwënöhsnye’s Gëjóhgwa’ Immersion Program New Graduates! Ja:goh!
Ja:goh to the Seneca Language Immersion Graduates! Teaching & learning our language is vital to preserving and protecting our culture and traditions. Shout out to:
- Derise Jagodawë:h Waterman
- Sherrise Gaeyë’jöh John
- Alexander Deyo ‘ha śe ‘ Jimerson
Nya:wëh Tuscarora Woodworks for the beautiful boxes gifted to the graduates.
Did you know that the Deadiwënöhsnye’s Gëjóhgwa’ Immersion Program offers paid opportunities to become a proficient Onöndowa’ga:’ Gawë:no’ speaker?
Novice positions are available now; go to to learn more.