(harvesting, cooking, preparing food)
Agwadeyësta’ Do:gë:h would like to encourage learning the words for harvest season. To hear these words spoken by a fluent elder go to memrise.com and search Harvest or paste the link shown here:
Ëgekö:ni | Ësekö:ni’ | Ëdwakö:ni’
I will cook | You will cook | We will cook
Ëgekwihs’a:’ | Ësekwihs’a:’ Ëdwakwihs’a:’
I will prepare food | You will prepare food We will prepare food
Ëgyë:twa:go’ | Ëšyë:twa:go’ | Ëdwayë:twa:go’
I will harvest | You will harvest | We will harvest
Ëgayago’ | Ësayago’ | Ëdwayago’
I will pick the fruit | You will pick the fruit | We will pick the fruit
Gáë:da’ | Otgwë:’ | Osgë’ë’
Garden | Seed (not hard) ex. strawberry seeds | Seed/pit (hard shell) ex. apple seeds
Óéhda’ | Odähgo:t | O:yákaö’
Soil | Sunlight | Tomato
Onëhdatgos | Onönö’da’ | Okdeä’
Lettuce | Potato | Carrot
O:nyösgwä:e’ | O:nyöhsa’ | Onëö’
Cucumber | Squash | Corn
Ojisdödá’shä’ | Oyë’gwa’ö:weh Awëdo’ge:a’
Strawberry | Indian tobacco | Pea
Upcoming Holiday Bazaar
Come out to the ACC on Saturday, November 19, 2022 for a Holiday Bazaar sponsored by Agwadeyësta’ Do:gë:h. Contact Judy Olson at judeolson@gmail.com for more information.
See flyer below for more information: