I hope this message finds you all well. It looks like the last bit of our beautiful weather is behind us and we’ll transition into winter. Usually, by this time of year, the temperatures are drastically dropping and we’re all winterizing in preparation of our first big snowfall.
On November 8th, 2022, I was sworn in as President of the Seneca Nation for the third time in my career serving the Seneca people. I’m very humbled to be given this opportunity, in these turbulent times of dealing with unprecedented challenges, our people have entrusted me to do their work once again. My goal is to take full advantage of a variety of economic opportunities to expand our economy, and improve the quality of life for all Senecas. More than ever, we must focus on problems in our communities, as well as threats from outside, from those who seek to harm us or hold us back. Our strength and foundation of who we are as a people, is keeping a good mind – united as one, together and strong. The challenges we will face, as the Seneca Nation, are going to require us all to stand together and speak with one voice. My sincere congratulations go out to all of our newly elected officials, as we stand shoulder to shoulder and move our nation forward. I look forward to working with everyone and including new ideas and strategies in our decision-making process. Good governance is based on strong leadership, focused strength and a clear vision to walk into the future and protect our most important resources: our people, our land, our language and our sovereignty. Again, nya:wëh for trusting me to work hard on behalf of the Seneca Nation and our people.
As my staff and I transition into our new roles and responsibilities, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge all of our outgoing elected officials for their time and dedication to serving the Seneca people. Your work has paved the way for this administration to continue working hard on the tough issues ahead. Thank you for dedicating a portion of your lives for the betterment of all Seneca people.
I’d like to take this moment to recognize one of our young Seneca members, Yanenowi (She Guards the Corn) Logan. She is a Cattaraugus Territory resident and a member of the deer clan. She was recently elected to her second term on the National Congress of American Indians Tribal Youth Commission, where she will serve as President. In addition, on Friday, November 11th, she was the recipient of the Emerging Young Leader Award by the Western New York Peace Center at a banquet at the University of Buffalo. On, November 14th, Yanenowi attended the White House Tribal Youth Summit in Washington, DC. She is currently the co-chair of the Native American Indigenous Students at Cornell University, where she is a junior studying environment and sustainability. Nya:wëh for being such an outstanding role model for our Seneca youth and showing them what hard work, dedication and perseverance can achieve! We support all of your efforts and wish you nothing but success in whatever you choose to pursue in the future. We’re fortunate to have you as a member of the Seneca Nation.
Although my staff and I are experienced and well-versed in administering and supporting our tribal government functions as the President’s Office, we will continue to settle in and do the people’s work. We will do our best to keep the Seneca people informed of important issues as we move forward. I have always practiced an open-door policy, so please feel free to contact Jacquie Crouse, my Executive Secretary, at (716) 945-1790, X3119, if you would like to make an appointment to meet with me in person, or if there is anything our office needs to be made aware of.
Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.