The Annual Tree Lighting Event at Seneca Niagara Casino took place on November 30th featuring a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Claus, special appearances by Billy Buffalo, Sabretooth, and Buffalo Bills Hall of Fame Quarterback Jim Kelly! Joshua Vacanti and Cami Clune from NBC’s “The Voice” helped warm up the night with classic Christmas music. Thanks to all that attended!
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Native American Music Awards 20th Anniversary
After tremendous weather hit the Buffalo Niagara region and required last minute rescheduling, the 2022 Native American Music Awards kicked off last November. Esteemed nominees and artists ascended on the Seneca Niagara Resort and Casino for the 20th anniversary of this beloved event. Check out these photos and head over to for the full […]
Marlene Wakefield Selected for the IHS Director’s Award!
Marlene Wakefield, Seneca, Turtle clan, and former Health Department Acting CEO – Allegany Territory, was selected for the IHS Director’s Award – Individual. Marlene dedicated her award to the Oglala Lakota People and her parents for instilling service to others and a strong work ethic in her heart since day one! She also gave an […]
A message from President Rickey L. Armstrong, Sr.
Greetings, At this writing, our first big snow has melted and all that is left is soggy green grass and mud. Once again, the birds even look confused. I’ve heard conflicting comments about us having a mild winter this year. Some say we are in for a harsh winter, others have said we should have […]