Nya:wëh Hayden Haynes for the beautiful pictures of the 2022 Hodinoshioni Art Show!
Pictured above: Best in Show: New Beginnings by Samantha Jacobs and Hayden Haynes.

Reminder: The online exhibit will be available until December 31st at www.ganondagan.org.
Best in Show: New Beginnings by Samantha Jacobs (Seneca, Turtle Clan) & Hayden Haynes (Seneca, Deer Clan)
1st Place Basketry: Keeper of the Wampum by Ronni-Leigh Goeman (Onondaga, Eel Clan) & Stonehorse Goeman (Tonawanda Seneca, Hawk Clan)
2nd Place Basketry: Blue Criss Cross Basket by Holly Pyke (Akwesasne Mohawk / Snipe)
3rd Place Basketry: Blue Waves Basket by Holly Pyke (Akwesasne Mohawk / Snipe)
1st Place Beadwork: Pyramid Purse by Jessica Hernandez (Kanienkehaka- Mohawk/ Bear Clan)
2nd Place Beadwork: Haudenosaunee Tree of Peace Bag: Uplifting Sk^:na (Peace) in 2022: The Year of Genocide by Sayokla Kindness-Williams (On^yote?a:ka of the Duck Creek- Oneida, WI)
3rd Place Beadwork: A Story in Beads of “The Disrupted Souls of our Children.” by Sheila M Escobar (Mohawk, Turtle Clan)
Honorable Mention Beadwork: Springtime by Mary Jacobs (Seneca Nation, Turtle Clan)
1st Place Fine Art 2D: Bobby by Luanne Redeye (Seneca, Hawk Clan)
2nd Place Fine Art 2D: Grandmother Moon by Bruce Boots (Akwesasne Mohawk, Bear Clan)
3rd Place Fine Art 2D: One Dish by Brandon Lazore (Onondaga/Mohawk, Snipe Clan)
Honorable Mention Fine Art 2D: Giving Thanks to our Creator by Barry Powless (Onondaga, Eel Clan)
1st Place Fine Art 3D: Emergence by Natasha Smoke Santiago (Mohawk)
2nd Place Fine Art 3D: Something Precious by Ronni-Leigh Goeman (Onondaga, Eel Clan) & Stonehorse Goeman (Tonawanda Seneca, Hawk Clan)
3rd Place Fine Art 3D: Awakening the Seeds by Katsitsionni Fox (Kanienkeha:ka – Mohawk, Bear Clan)
Honorable Mention Fine Art 3D: Gender Reveal by Katsitsionni Fox (Kanienkeha:ka – Mohawk, Bear Clan)
1st Place Photography: Realization-The Story of the Corn Husk Doll by Hayden Haynes (Seneca, Deer Clan)
2nd Place Photography: This Is Us – Life on the Water by Marjorie Skidders (Mohawks of Akwesasne, Bear Clan)
3rd Place Photography: Kanonhsine – She is Leading the House by Ciele Kanonhsatiron (Mohawk)
1st Place Traditional Art: The Good Medicine Between Us by Natasha Smoke Santiago (Mohawk)
2nd Place Traditional Art: Turtle Island Vessel by Roger Perkins (Akwesasne Mohawk, Bear Clan)
3rd Place Traditional Art: The Ones They Wanted Gone by Niio Perkins (Akwesasne Mohawk, Bear Clan) & Isabella Thompson (Mohawk, Bear Clan)
Honorable Mention Traditional Art: Seed Saver by Adriana Poulette (Oneida/Mi’kmaw, Wolf Clan)
The 2022 art show featured $17,500 in prizes.