Nya:wëh sgë:nö’ gagwë:göh,
I’m thankful you are well. This year is off to a fast start, already moving into February. The te:hdö’ (groundhog) saw his shadow forecasting another 6 weeks of winter.

I’d like to congratulate Seneca Fire on their annual installation ceremony on February 3rd. The following positions were sworn in, Executive officers: President John Waterman, Jr., Vice President Michele Redeye, Treasurer Melissa Schindler, Recording Secretary Leigh Ann Jackson, Building Chairman John Maybee, Sargent at Arms Stanley Francis, delegate Adrian Carry Moccasin, Line officers: Chief Duane Carry Moccasin, 1st Assistant Chief Tim Maude, 2nd Assistant Chief Presley Redeye and Board of Directors: Millie Fox, Mike General, Patrice John, John Maybee, Jason Seneca. Auxiliary Officers: President Rikki Johns, Vice President Trudy Jackson, Secretary Jayde Jimerson. Best wishes on your terms, Non Sibi Sed Omnibus – (not for self, but for all).
I would like to give a brief update on the American Rescue Plan Act which was developed out of the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic caused severe intertwined public health and economic crises. As a result, the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds were initiated to generate aid to tribal governments. This assistance helped fund many health and economic breakthroughs while dealing with the virus and its variants. The Treasury continued to make rulings on funding eligibility and requirements. The Tribal governments along with local and state authorities were able to determine the best substantial use of the funds to meet the needs of their communities.
The final ruling for this funding clarified how to utilize this aid, for example, the revenue loss we experienced when the Nation’s gaming facilities were closed. Water, sewer and broadband infrastructure was developed for students during home instruction when internet access became a crucial part of learning. The following projects were approved, completed or will be approved at the next Budget and Finance meeting: infrastructure funding for upcoming housing projects at Sullivan Hollow, Bush Road and Ozarks, a transfer station in Irving, a residential solar program a residential generation program, Seneca Fire Allegany apparatus/EMS equipment, Emergency Services capital equipment, new bathroom facilities at Newtown and Pinewoods community fields, and vehicles for the Marshals, the Conservation Department as well as heavy equipment for infrastructure projects.
Stay safe, stay strong
Dah ne’hoh dih ae’