Credit: #LakeShoreCentralSchoolDistrict and family FB
Ja:göh to the following students for all their efforts, hard work and continued dedication to excelling.
Kade Nephew, Seneca, Cattaraugus Territory, Hawk clan, and his fellow selected “January Stunning Students.” The Freshman Academy honors students every month for embodying the six “Cs” of the Academy (compassion, character, consistency, cooperation, critical thinking and capability).
Marcellus Plain, Cattaraugus Territory, Seneca, Turtle clan, student of the month for his CAD class (technology). Also, Stevieana Seneca, Cattaraugus Territory, Seneca, Turtle clan, selected as student of the month for LOTE!
The December student of the month, Ciara Thompson, Seneca, Cattaraugus Territory, Wolf clan for Life Skills. Ciara is also a participant in the annual SABAH Ice Show.