Allegany Territory Branch
Submitted by Glenda Grey
February is here and it’s time to plan your garden! We are working on some great ideas to help you. Have you tried using a straw bale to grow vegetables or herbs? Hydroponics? We will have more on this later. You can start planning what you want to grow.
The library will be attending workshops on how to become “A Library of Things.” We circulate books and movies now, but libraries circulate other items too. I can’t wait to bring this here to our Library.
The Friends of the Library are sponsoring a couple of events here, one is Create a Valentine Card which is going on now until February 14th. You can create your masterpiece at home, or stop in and create one here. We have glitter cardstock, crayons, and pencils; you will need to bring in any other materials of your choice. Also, stop in and guess how many pieces of candy in the jar and this is for the entire month. Two guesses per person.
We are having movie day on Saturday the 11th and 18th from 10 am – 12pm. All ages welcome and must be accompanied by parent or guardian.
Book club is meeting February 22nd at 5pm and we are reading a novel by Miriam Toews, Women Talking. Based on real events this is the story of eight women in a remote Mennonite colony. They are all illiterate and without any knowledge of the world outside their community and unable to speak the language of the country they live in. Towes’s novel uses wry, politically engaged humor to relate this tale of women claiming their own power to decide. If you want to join our book club call 716-945-3157 (ext.) 3405 or come to our next meeting. Coffee hour is every Thursday at 10 am – 11 am.
A reminder of our new hours, we are open Tuesday and Wednesday 8am till 7pm and Saturday 9am – 1pm. On the remaining days, Monday, Thursday, & Friday, we are open 8am till 5pm. To reach library staff when calling dial 3402 when prompted.
Come in and renew your library card or apply for one. Find that novel you’ve wanted to read, or the latest DVD on your list. You can also come in and read the paper with a cup of coffee.
We are so much more than a library. See you soon!
Get your Gardening On!
Class w/Cornell Cooperative Extension