Community News

IGS Monthly Meeting March 2023

Submitted by Leatha Jimerson

Please join us for our first monthly meeting for the year 2023! We are beginning our 8th year with IGS! Time sure flies when you are enjoying finding out about your family history!

Our meeting will be held March 9, 2023 at 6pm at the Cattaraugus Community Center (CCC) MPR-Room – Cattaraugus Territory, 12767 Route 438, Irving NY.

We will have our election of Officers. Teresa VanAernam will be presenting Genealogy 101, a how to class to get everyone started on creating a family tree. We invite you to bring a copy of a picture of your ancestor for display on an honor table.

Please bring a dish to pass. Tableware and bottled water will be provided. Bring a friend and find out what we have in store for you at this year’s IGS meetings and events!

We hope to see you there!
~ Iroquois Genealogy Society