Interested in learning about the career opportunities available from Seneca Gaming Corporation? Outreach Specialist Nikki Seneca is ready to answer your questions! She has recently added outreach to the Buffalo Resource Office! Check out the flyer below for details:
Submitted by Michele Maracle Elyssa Giannini, Seneca and Mohawk, Bear Clan, has committed to East Stroudsburg University where she will continue her academic and softball career. Elyssa is a 2024 graduate from Niagara Wheatfield High School and currently plays softball for her school and the Ohio Outlaws National 06′ team. Elyssa is a 3B/SS/UT player […]
in Native American and Indigenous Studies, Library & Museum of the American Philosophical Society The Library & Museum of the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia invites applications for sabbatical, postdoctoral, predoctoral, and short-term research fellowships to support research projects utilizing its collections. The APS’s Library & Museum houses one of North America’s oldest and largest […]