ANNOUNCING!!! Big Wolf Cornhole’s 1 Year Anniversary Switch Tournament!!!
Sunday April 30th. Doors open at 10am, bags fly at 11am. To be held at the Cattaraugus Community Center (CCC) Gym # 1.
$15 per player. 50/50, Mini-Bag Airmail Challenge. ALL PLAYERS WILL THROW BIG WOLF BAGS. Bags will be assigned to each board. Bags will be HOWL 5/8, LUNA 6/8, ALPHA 6/9, DELTA 5/8 Hybrid Carpet and FANG 4/7. $300 added to prize pot. All bags will be broken in and for sale at conclusion of the tourney!
Big Wolf Cornhole is collaborating with the BUFFALO BRAWLERS for the YOUTH division of the 1 Year Anniversary Bash! One lucky participant in the tourney will receive their own set of Buffalo Brawlers Boards!! Register your U12 shooter on Scoreholio or message Big Wolf Cornhhole on Facebook HERE to save a spot!
Registration up on Scoreholio – HERE!
We are happy to announce that 6N Sporting Apparel has been gracious enough to supply some items for prizes for the U12 Youth Tournament as well! Nya:wëh Eddie and 6N!

Other Great News: Online Merchandise Outlet
Our online merchandise outlet has been restored on the Cornhole Addicts website!! Use this address to go there directly……/
And remember to enter discount code: BWC67 for savings on your total!! Thank you!